Ed, Lloyd, Joe, and Gary at Lake Louise

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sussex, NB to Antigonish, NS

We spent Monday night in Sussex with extreme intent on visiting the city golf course that all the natives bragged and raved about until Gary and I felt compelled to play it this morning.  They did not exaggerate!  The Sussex Golf and Curling Club is a first rate golfing experience.  This golf course was as challenging as a blindfold, greased  apple-bob, but it was also a lot of fun.  I took two bucks from Gary in a titanic duel of hacker #1 over hacker #2.  Remembering that the journey is more important than the final score gave us comfort. 

One Hole - Two Fairways
 The 17th hole was quite a gem in terms of golf design.  It's split duel fairways with a menacing creek running 300 yard down the middle brings a Yogi-ism to mind.  "When you come to the fork in the road, take it!" 

              - or -

As a Vegas blackjack dealer once told a slow playing unresponsive friend of mine, "Sir you will have to make a decision."

So I aimed right at the creek in the middle believing  the odds were in my favor that I wouldn't hit it straight.  I was right and hooked the ball 240 down the left fairway - I was undeservingly proud.

After I boogied 17 and 18, Gary and I moved on down the road to Fundy National Park on the Bay of Fundy which has the highest tide changes in the world (40 to 50 feet).  In the small bay side town of Alma boats will literally rest on the mud when the tide is out.  Pretty weird.

Lunch at the family owned Alma Lobster Shop (in the ruff) was awesome!  Daughter Elizabeth was a one girl show as she crack the lobsters, served up our instruments of destruction (picker, fork and cracker).  For $15.00 I got a two pound lobster, drink, and a tub of coleslaw.  Fresh lobster!

The Bay of Fundy is an exceptional place in that it encompassing beauty and raw sea power.  Seeing the amazing changes in tides elevations is worth a trip to this area.

We wrapped up the day by driving the northest coast road (Hwy 6)  to the college town of Antigonish to stay the night at a Freddie's Beddies. 

Note: Apologies to Caroline at Boston Pizza.  We failed to retrieve your picture from Gary's camera.


  1. I know you meant "bogie," but it's more fun to picture you boogieing out there.

  2. Also, your pictures are GREAT. The lobster lady looks like it's a screen-shot from a cooking show.
