Ed, Lloyd, Joe, and Gary at Lake Louise

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Adventure Continues - Oh Canada!

I have taken many golf trips in my life and usually return with an enthusiasm to share my experiences.  This time it is off to CANADA to play in the Maritime Provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, New Foundland, and Prince Edward Island. 

Blogging allows me to share as I go.  Thus I will be posting our progress as we fly to Bangor, Maine rent a car then drive the no reservation route to our desired destinations.

Gary Trapani, friend and fellow golfer, and I depart Monday, August 22nd hoping to return by September 1.  This may be optimistic, but we have to have some parameters.  We are flying standby and therefore have no firm start and end dates other than our family and friends may skin us if we're not back for certain domestic commitments.

So - soon we fly to the East Coast.  I will post pictures and comments as we proceed to new and exciting places.

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