Ed, Lloyd, Joe, and Gary at Lake Louise

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Prince Edward Island

Day 8, Monday, August 29
I slept in until nine, and it felt damn good.  By the time I was showered and ready for a late breakfast, Gary had already milked the cows and fed the chickens – actually he did the laundry, swam and few laps and relaxed in the hot tub.   The Delta Hotel included a full breakfast in the night’s stay.  Lobster Eggs Benedict is a tasty dish – it’s an English muffin with a poached egg on top smothered in hollandaise sauce mixed with big chunks of lobster.  Not bad. 

Ed at Green Gables Golf Course

Hurricane Irene missed PEI – sort of.  There was no rain today.  In fact the the day was sunny, but the winds were 40 to 50 miles per hour gusting to 60 to 65.   A GREAT DAY FOR GOLF????              We thought so.  After driving around the island for an hour taking in the sights, we stopped in a Glasgow Hills Golf Course which is on one of the highest pieces of land in P.E.I.   Standing outside the clubhouse we almost blew away from the unprotected links course.  The good sport in the pro shop suggested we try the Green Gables course which has a lot of trees where we might stand a chance.  He then followed with, “Blimey!  Only a fool would play golf today!”  I shot 91 and Gary 96 (at the Gables)

Green Gables House at Cavendish, PEI

About five years ago, Green Gables Golf Course did a six million dollar restoration project redesigning holes, replacing greens, adding sand traps, and other necessary face lifts which certainly turned the 18 holes into a first rate golfing experience.    The house in which Lucy Maud Montgomery spent her summers in Cavendish, PEI and thus inspired the book Anne of Green Gables is located on the 11th hole.  And yes the house has green gables.  It is a popular tourist attraction for many international visitors especially the Japanese who have had it in their school curriculum since 1952.  

Gary Playing in the Sandbox

Let’s get back to the 60 mph wind and the almost unplayable course.  On the second green I hear Gary in laughing like a little girl when he was unable to maintain his balance over his putt.   He whacked a 3 iron into the wind caught it for a nice 130 yard shot – he again broke into laughter of amazement.  The sand would blow from the traps stinging our bare legs and face.  The conditions were so bad it was comical.  We cracked up for most of the round as expectations of scoring were shattered in the early going.  

We finished the round then decided to drive the stretch of PEI National Park on the north shore from Breckley to Delay on our way to check out another course named Crowbush Cove.  There were a lot of beaches and sand dunes, but the highlights weren’t the views – it was the foxes.   Along the side of the park road runs a bike/walking path – very nice.  Up ahead on this path was a fox then another fox and then another.    Two of them were jumping on each other as a pair of puppies would when rough-housing or is it ruff-housing.  With the window rolled down we pulled up beside them not ten feet away.  We expected them to dart for cover, but they could give a care.  As they played and moved down the path we followed in the car at the same pace snapping pictures and wondering when fox hunting season begins.  One fox picked up an old flip flop he found on the side of the road then they disappeared evidently he decided he needed to protect his kill.  It was fascinating to watch them for a good 5 minutes.

We got to Crowbush Cove about 4:00 pm, went to the clubhouse and watched as other fools played in what was now a lowly 30-40 mph wind.  Crowbush was in perfect condition – not blade of grass out of place.  We made a tee time for Tuesday then headed back to Charlottetown for R&R and of course food.

Dave and Gary at the Bar - Delta Hotel
Gary forced me into a drink at the Delta Hotel bar.  Who was there – Dave our pal from yesterday.  We had a few drinks, got a couple of dinner recommendations then wound up at Sims two blocks away.  Dave insisted on picking up the bar tab at the Delta so we invited him to come along.  Did you know that Sims has six different kinds of Oysters each grown in different bays around the island?  We tasted them all.  After the oysters and two bottles of fine Spanish Rioja we ordered small.  Everything at Sims was excellent.  They know how to prepare food.
We said goodnight to Dave in the lobby of the Delta Hotel knowing that he had a little more appreciation for Americans and we for Canada.  

Day 9 – Tuesday, August 30

Lee, Ed, Gary, and Tom

Breakfast at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel is spelled ‘LOBSTER EGGS BENEDICT’.  Two days in a row and I can never tire from the taste.  We checked out, had breakfast, and headed to Crowbush Cove Golf Course by 10:00 am.   At the course we hooked up with a member, Tom, and couple from Regina, Saskatchewan.  Lee was playing and his wife Kalynn was just riding.  It was a quite foursome when we started, but very friendly and noisy when it finished.  We all took a lot of pictures agreeing to email them to each other.   They were good company at a premier golf course.  At times we all hit the ball quite well.  I had my best round (77) of the trip on a difficult track so I felt almost accomplished. 
Did I mention foxes?  On the par five number five green, a fox came to visit our fivesome.  It evidently it is very comfortable with people because it followed us from green to tee eyeballing our carts for ???  This must be the same fox that fell in love with Lloyd about 5 years ago.

After golf it was off to Bangor, Maine.  Gary drove for four hours until we settled on Fredericton, New Brunswick to spend the night.  Our intention is to get in one more round before finally staying near the Maine airport on Wednesday evening.  We had an OK meal at Boston Pizza and now I am currently creating and sending this post from the Fredericton Inn.
It was another fine day on thegolfroad.

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