Ed, Lloyd, Joe, and Gary at Lake Louise

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 8 – Wednesday, August 15 – SCRAMBLE PLAY – LEGENDS

Breakfast at the Super 8 is actually pretty damn good.  They gave us $5.00 per guys off the $6.95 full breakfast which is on par (golf pun intended) with the best Denny’s or Big Boy’s Michigan has to offer.  After fueling up our bodies with the eggs, bacon, hash browns, OJ, and toast, we did the 10 minute drive to the Legends Golf Course for a four-man scramble.  The intermingled the US and Canadian players which built even more camaraderie. 

Scramble partners Kenny, Rob, Ed, and Bob
I was paired with Kenny from Edmonton; Bob from Modesto, California; and Rob from Olympia, Washington.  Kenny is the longest hickory ball hitter that I have seen to date.  I’m not bad and he whacks it 60 to 90 yards past me.  Bob and Rob are both decent players who can both putt lights out.  Along with my streaky talents, we made a formidable team.  We shot 28 on the first nine (-8) and then forgot how to play on the second nine with only a 34 (-2).  The total of 62 netted us third place overall and $60 each.  Life is good.  Gary’s team came in at 68 and Lloyd’s team shot 67.  Both were out of the money.  Joe’s team didn’t fare any better.  The event, however, helped solidify some, let’s say, international good will.  This group of Canadians knows how to have a great time – on and off the golf course.

After a few post round beers, XO Lager, Sleeman’s Honey Brown, Molson Canadian, and various other brews from the great white north, we were invited to Chris Reaumes house for a cookout and to see his antique golf collection.  We thought it was a bit unusual to find the Canadians drinking American beers mostly Coors Light, Bud Light, and Busch – go figure!

Pitching Horseshoes for US Pride
At Chris’s house we were offered a Coors Light (ha) and a tour of the scared shrine of antique golf paraphernalia in his basement.  It was quite impressive, with thousands of different memorabilia all related to golf of course.  Several hundred hickory clubs, all rare, were on display.  Each stick had its own story.  My favorite was a full size crystal golf club (putter) from an unknown maker.  Chris said he and his wife picked it up in Scotland for $2,000 dollar twenty years ago.   

After an hour of awe and discussion were proceeded upstairs for dinner and horseshoes.  The challenge was tossed our way by a heavily Coor’s Light induced Canadian who was wanting to whip some US ass in another venue besides golf.  The final result was - US 3 games to the Canadians 1.  Our Olympic committee would be proud.

We said our sincere thank you to Camille and Chris for the gracious invitation of food, drink, and the museum tour.  Not to mention a kickass horseshoe game.

We went back to the barn where the four of us had a nightcap at the Super 8 bar and came to the consensus that Canada is a lot of fun.

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