Ed, Lloyd, Joe, and Gary at Lake Louise

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 6 – Monday, August 13 – Montgomery Glen Golf Course

Today is really the first day for all the hickory golfers collecting for events.  Monday and Tuesday are practice rounds The Glen and Northern Bear GC respectively.  The actual Canadian Hickory Open is played Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all at Ron’s course – The Legends. 
Guys waiting to tee it up.
Montgomery Glen is a good old country course.  It’s not a country club or nearly in perfect condition, but it certainly provides a pleasant challenge for all golfers.  The greens are perhaps the most fun with all the slants and slopes to test the most accurate eye and smoothest stroke.  About thirty golfers with hickories in hand tee off at 10:30 am.  There was a group from Texas and guys from Iowa, California, Ontario, New Brunswick, and of course the Alberta locals.  I played with Ron Stewart who was the greens keeper at this course.  Ron has a one handicap and shot 78. 

Today, Lloyd was the master of our Michigan group with a good steady round of 86.  I followed with an 89, Gary 98 and Joe shot 100 even.  I had a couple of birdies one of which held up for a skin for $125.  I was encouraged by my traveling mates to buy dinner.  I heartily agreed. 

We checked into the Super 8 Road King Hotel in Sherwood Park just east of Edmonton.  This is a one size fits all establishment with two restaurants, two bars, shops, laundry, and a business center.  The rooms are clean and comfortable and that’s all you need.  A light dinner was had at the hotel.  After a few pints of Rickard’s Red, we called it a good night. 

Day 7 – Tuesday, August 14 - Northern Bear Golf Course

Joe on the putting green at Northern Bear
The forecast was rain.  The Jack Nicklaus course was groomed beautifully.  Punishing rough closely hugged the fairways and the greens were slicker than snot on a doorknob. I was paired with Bob from Modesto, California, Ross from Edmonton, and Ron Lyons.   All were great company.  Ron talks non-stop, but is a lot of fun.  He is a well-adjusted individual because to him golf is just a game. 

It rained.  At hole-six, we got poured on.  We manned up and played out the long par five.  Then we wimped out agreeing that it is wiser to drink in the comfort of the clubhouse than slush out the rest of the round.  It was a brilliant decision as the rain only got worse and did not let up even as we drove away several hours later to head back to the hotel. 

Ron invited everyone back to his course for a pig roast at 5:30 pm.  The rain had stopped when we arrived.  He had a great spread laid out of salads, veggies, chips, beer, and wine.  It was simple, yet tasty.  The conversation naturally revolved around the world of hickory clubs and acquiring good play sets.  Bob from Modesto has only had the hickory bug for nine months and has already purchased 500 clubs.  Max from Texas has collected hickory clubs and played them for many years.  He has accumulated 17,000 hickories.  They are organized in racks in his basement (shrine).  There a couple of local fellows who make custom hickory golf sets pattern after a set of Tom Stewart clubs designed for Bobby Jones.  All these guys are hickory and golf geeks.
Ron's Pride and Joy - 1955 BMW golf cart

Ron has to top the list in collection interesting historical golf equipment.  He decided to specialize in collecting golf carts (cars as they are called in Canada).  He has about 50 vintage electric and gas golf carts dating back to the early fifties.  It was an impressive group on display in a pole barn near the golf course clubhouse.  His favorite is a red 1955 BMW gas cart.  He stated that there is a picture of JFK driving an exact model on the White House lawn with a pile of kids sitting on it.  The whole collection was interesting.  He had a before picture on the seat of each cart to give us a perspective of how much restoration was needed for each car.  He said his original intent was to get four or five old carts to put out on the course for antique decoration.  It then evolved into repair and restore and collect.

The evening presented fascinating conversations with fellow golfers from all over Canada and the US.  There are three more days and the group is growing.

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